GMG Elettrotecnica srl

Industrial solutions

Industrial solutions

In the industrial sector, the creation of specific solutions for each type of company is great important, so as to increase efficiency and efficacy in the production and safety of the company.

Industrial solutions

Your business has specific needs and requires targeted solutions that respond in a concrete way. In the industrial sector, the creation of specific solutions for each type of company is great important, so as to increase efficiency and efficacy in the production and safety of the company. Each project is preceded by a careful analysis of the situation and is carried out by expert and qualified technicians, in order to ensure adequate safety in the management of the system and to increase the accurate use of the CEI standards. The result is the creation of electrical circuits and systems that allow to respond to your needs in an effective and complete manner.
GMG SOLUTIONS examines and creates suitable solutions to resolve problems relating to the transformation and distribution of medium voltage and low voltage electricity, guaranteeing the efficiency of your business. It is essential for every company that the structure of the systems is reliable and performs at the highest levels; for this reason, GMG SOLUTIONS plans and installs electricity distribution systems to obtain economical and functional energy solutions for your business, without any risks and useless costs.


GMG SOLUTIONS studies and plans the electrical environment of your industrial site, using not only standard products from the catalogue, but, with the collaboration of suppliers and specialists, also sophisticated developments required according to your business needs.


GMG SOLUTIONS examines and creates suitable solutions to resolve problems relating to the transformation and distribution of medium voltage and low voltage electricity, guaranteeing the efficiency of your business.


It is essential for every company that the structure of the systems is reliable and performs at the highest levels; for this reason, GMG SOLUTIONS plans and installs electricity distribution systems to obtain economical and functional energy solutions for your business, without any risks and useless costs.


GMG SOLUTIONS plans and installs systems for the distribution of electricity within your company, offering flexibility and versatility of the electrical system, guaranteeing a reduction in the future costs.


GMG SOLUTIONS plans and creates lighting systems through the use of luminous flows, natural or that are emitted by artificial sources, with the aim of obtaining certain levels of light in different types of environments such as: workplaces, institutional buildings, streets, squares and all your needs.


For your efficient business, it is essential to have the ability to share and manage technical, commercial and administrative data in a simple way. For this reason, GMG SOLUTIONS develops voice-data transmission systems to allow tha dissemination of information in a practical and fast way.


The aim of GMG SOLUTIONS is always to make your company safe, comfortable, useful and functional. For this reason it is able to offer you a set of equipment that creates a safety and comfort system in your space. GMG SOLUTIONS also develops technologically advanced connections between heterogeneous systems for fast and simplified communication, giving you the opportunity to communicate in a safe and intuitive way.


For the security of the corporate environment, GMG SOLUTIONS studies and creates intelligent solutions capable of guaranteeing a balance batween the needs of security, prevention and people’s right to privacy.
© 2023 GMG Elettrotecnica srl a socio unico
Via Mattei, 27 - 25050 Camignone di Passirano (BS)
Codice Univoco: T9K4ZHO P.IVA e Cod. Fisc. 00955800172 - REA N° 221302 - Capitale sociale €72.000,00 i.v.
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